Green business is the new trend, it stands everywhere on every product, every company plan, every institution speech.
But the real difference is that green is no longer part of the margins or an ideology: it now generates a real economy and business.
What is Green Business?
Green Business is polymorph, adaptative and disruptive. It does not stand anymore as a separate industry, but a trend spreading, transforming and shaping all classic industries.
One of the most advanced example is the Energy industry. 2018 definitely stands as a transition between two opposite sides. For one part, coal / fuel / fossils energies… are still fighting for profits while struggling with limited ressources. For another part, the growth of natural energies as wind and solar is skyrocketing, and setting a new norm on some markets. The US market is the perfect illustration of this opposition, between the positions of the administration in favour of coal and old energies, and the position of cities and regions pushing for more green and sustainability. In California, for instance, it will be soon be impossible to build a house without any solar plan.
Who are the actors of Green Business?
That’s also a new thing when it comes to green business. In this fast transformation, it’s no longer a one-way economy where companies and lobbies are playing the key part, but more a circular economy. For instance, green energy and smart cities depend on microgrids.
As such, the success in greening and transforming existing industries will rely on a balance between consumers / ressources / companies. In this balance, companies are just starting:
– only 10% of companies set carbon and water targets over the past 5 years
– these carbon targets only stand for 20% of the reductions needed to align with the Paris Agreement (Trucost, 2017).
Green Business: the figures
While it’s hard to measure the impact of green business, some figures are particularly promising, even if most is still to do.
Passionate about the environment, digital and tech.
18 years of experience in digital strategy and digital marketing.